Submission to my first GameJam
Beginner's Jam Summer 2024

Theme:“Outside the Boundaries!”

G.A.P. is a platform game where you must use the G.A.P. device so you can grab and place blocks, while also avoiding enemies and obstacles on your way to the goal. You may also encounter Coffee through the levels, and you might need the upgrades for the earlier levels - try to collect them all! 


  • A - D | Horizontal Arrows: Walk
  • W | Up Arrow: Jump
  • R: Restart
  • Esc | P: Pause


  • Left Mouse Click: Grab block
  • Right Mouse Click: Place block
  • Space: Dash
  • Q - E: Switch selected block (not really necessary)

Intended resolution: 1280 x 640

Things will probably look weird in different resolutions

Made by @cavalca.


The first idea for the game was to grab different types of blocks and placing them to solve different puzzles. I've started learning Godot in a few weeks ago and this is the first game jam that fit my schedule so I've decided to try to develop something. Through development I have learned a lot of stuff and tried to make as much as I could imagine. I have found many issues trying to implement different tileset mechanics that I cannot learn on time for this game jam so the extra blocks ideas - Ice, magma, moving block, one way... - will have to be implemented in another time.

I'm not very good at puzzles and, as my first game made, the whole game design is all over the place, I wish I could have made something that could fit very well with each other - music, art, level design - but I'm very happy with all the learning.

I love my cat Pantera so you get to play as her.

Made withGodot
Average sessionA few seconds
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
AccessibilityInteractive tutorial

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